Destratification of two-layered currents

Case of operation for two layers, one above the other.

The lower layer could, for instance, be carrying sandy salt water, which is pushed into a river at high tide. Or it could be a high-oxygen saltwater current that flows into a highly polluted river. A third possibility lies in a saltwater layer with a temperature of 3°C that flows over a sweet water layer with a temperature of 0°C. In the first case, it may be necessary to keep the salt water from permeating into the sweet water to avoid siltation. In the second case, the oxygen could be useful in aerating the polluted water. Lastly, the saltwater layer could be useful in creating an ice-free fairway.

A sufficiently strong bubble veil creates a flow pattern that disintegrates the density stratification and brings the lower water layer to the top, mixing the layers.

The facility design requires a thorough analysis of the hydrological conditions on site. In some cases, several such barriers must be placed parallel, in a certain distance from one another, rather than leading the whole airstream through one hose.